Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Creating bioluminescence with P6 shader nodes?

Nalif opened this issue on Apr 16, 2005 · 223 posts

svdl posted Tue, 25 March 2008 at 1:21 PM

It's the RayBias that causes the distance between the glowing surface and the gathered color. Lower the RayBias and the distance will become smaller.

The Gather node is rather well named - it "gathers" light from glowing objects and adds it to the (non-glowing) surface it is connected to.So the Gather node should be plugged into the material that receives the glow, not in the glowing object itself. The faint effect on the plane is probably pure specular.

Remove the Gather node from the red glowing ball, keep the rest.
Add a Gather node to the Ambient input of the floor material, set the Ambient color to white and the Ambient Value to 1.000. Keep the angle at 180 degrees, so the floor will collect ambient light from all objects that are on its front side.
Increasing the number of samples will reduce the graininess of the effect.

Now render again (don't forget to enable raytracing).

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