Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Creating bioluminescence with P6 shader nodes?

Nalif opened this issue on Apr 16, 2005 ยท 223 posts

urbanarmitage posted Tue, 25 March 2008 at 5:40 AM

This is really cool! I've been playing around with it and it has a lot of possibilities.

I have a question though. Is it possible to have an object both 'reflect' the ambient colour of another object and also give off it's own ambient colour to other objects with gather nodes. In other words can an object onto which another is projecting it's ambient colour also project it's own ambient color onto another object or prop.

Picture this - A ball and a square. The ball's ambient colour is set to red and the square has a gather node attached to its ambient colour channel. When you render this the square will show 'reflected red light' from the ball. What I would like to do is set the square's ambient colour to say yellow and have this 'reflected' onto the ball or other props in the scene.

I have tried playing around with a math node to add the gather node with a colour but i'm not having much luck. Can any of the node guru's help out here please? :biggrin: