Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Any tips on subsurface scattering?

chris1972 opened this issue on Feb 14, 2008 · 9 posts

replicand posted Thu, 14 February 2008 at 6:35 PM

There are very few programs that feature TRUE SSS; most are hacks. True SSS is very difficult to tune unless you can figure out scattering coeffiecients, which IMHO is best left to scientists. 

An effective way to tune the scattering wacro is to apply the SSS wacro to your figure. Change your primary diffuse color (which probably has the skin texture map) to black and render. You will then see exactly what the skin network is doing. It should look like a volume of "non-specular" jello. Now all you have to do is balance the SSS with the skin texture to your liking.

When doing the mental ray SSS tutorial, they suggest to use a black and white texture in your primary diffuse channel because the top layers of human skin are unpigmented, translucent and dessaturated. I prefer to use a color texture running into the HSV node (saturation set to zero) which runs into the primary diffuse channel. Turn your specular WAY down and apply a bump map. This will give you a softer look.

The photo above is a straight Poser render, no third party scripts or plugins and no post work.