Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Any tips on subsurface scattering?

chris1972 opened this issue on Feb 14, 2008 ยท 9 posts

ghonma posted Thu, 14 February 2008 at 11:29 AM

I think you may need to fix your link Angelouscuitry.

Anyway about SSS, face_off's stuff is probably the closest you can get in poser. BB's work is also worth checking out. But if you want maximum realism then you will need another renderer. Like bantha said, fastscatter only does what is called forward scattering. This is most useful in areas of the skin that show the strong red 'glow' like when you shine a light under your hand or from behind the ears etc. But skin also has a lot of what is called backwards scattering which is what actually makes skin look 'soft.' Without it, you just get plastic looking skin and unfortunately you cant really fake it with node alchemy in poser either. You need a renderer that can do it natively.