Forum: Freestuff

Subject: more Japanese freebies

infinity10 opened this issue on Jul 14, 2007 ยท 2020 posts

Channing posted Thu, 27 December 2007 at 10:15 PM

BastBlack, the words I found were all in English? And one of the Dark Division had 3 english words? I think I'm teetering on quitting too. From Mukumuku's blog, but translated poorly by Google: Planning has begun, but the picture is the keyword when and where it is displayed in secret. At the end of the busy season, I guess, frequently looking for. Incidentally MUKUMUKU are mean, so that the keyword or painting or retractable I tried. Oh, please remember keywords! ! Now, the game started! ! I think I'm picking up a few things here. "when and where" -- the images are moved around the sites, and sometimes are not there at all.