Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Minitut - Dramatic light and shadows for portraits - NO NOSTRIL GLOW

bagginsbill opened this issue on Feb 09, 2006 ยท 68 posts

mickmca posted Fri, 11 May 2007 at 9:56 AM

Duh. I didn't think of the connection between the light cone and the camera cone.

I am wondering if the light artifacts (Monday 9:23 post) in the eF figures could be caused when by alignment of the normals. That scallop of light on Syd's chin really puzzles me.

The SR 1, in my experience so far, doesn't address any of the show-stoppers in P7 (like the knocking aside of a light when you click its globe to select it). Many of them were ignored in the service releases of P6, and some are left over from bug reports at the beginning of P5's life cycle. So I won't hold my breathe waiting for a fix.