Forum: 3D Modeling

Subject: What are you working on thread

Dann-O opened this issue on Oct 10, 2006 · 823 posts

DivineRAiN posted Sun, 31 December 2006 at 5:13 PM

Wow Teyon.. sweeeet model. 

Patorak, good job so far.  Nice volume, mass, or whatever.  Maybe the belly under the navel is angled inward too quickly and sharply.

I'm in the process of rigging this one.  Since the render, I tweaked here and there.. mainly the arms and wrists. (the wrists were way too thick)  She's a cartoony type of character.  The cartoony characters done by Andy (bunny girl and Suzie), and Lomax (mary-anne), that's posted on cgtalk  inspired me to try to make one... at the same time trying to come up with my own thing instead of it looking like a complete rip-off.

I'm sketching ideas for clothing.. so the pants and shirt here are just temporary.  And the hair isn't finished.
