Forum: 3D Modeling

Subject: What are you working on thread

Dann-O opened this issue on Oct 10, 2006 ยท 823 posts

Dann-O posted Thu, 26 October 2006 at 11:54 PM

Thanks connicat and poppi It is not an original concept thoug. Woody was quite popular in the 50's and 60's. So I tried to bring him into 3d did OK but I am not really fond of how I did the eyes. On the drawings they are very verticle and really something that does nto translate well into 3D. That was part of the challnge to me was trying to bring a 2D character into 3D.

The wit of a misplaced ex-patriot.
I cheated on my metaphysics exam by looking into the soul of the person next to me.