Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Interesting observation about Poser6,Firefly, and obj Materials in re: Renderin

byAnton opened this issue on Apr 24, 2005 ยท 181 posts

ratscloset posted Sun, 05 March 2006 at 3:48 AM

Okay, this sounds interesting and reasonable... I am one of those lucky people who rarely have the render slowdown on Adding Objects (Also running an AMD). My hand up is Shadows and Rendering strand Hair. I would like to ask a question.. what do you use other than Notepad to look at the CR2's? I noticed in Notepad that there is no line-ation (distinct lines with a beginning and end) I have noticed this in several Tutorials or other tips for Editing Poser Files, but mine ar never in that neat of an order when viewed with Notepad.

aka John