Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Minitut - Dramatic light and shadows for portraits - NO NOSTRIL GLOW

bagginsbill opened this issue on Feb 09, 2006 ยท 68 posts

operaguy posted Fri, 10 February 2006 at 7:51 PM

working with the shadowcams is difficult. There used to be, and sometimes still is, a dial "zoom" that appears. For the life of me, I can not figure out how to make that zoom dial appear, yet once in a while it does! This is a deep mystery. Meanwhile, if it does NOT appear, you have to manipulate the thing with only the x and y axes, plus "scale". It is no fun. About the bias, LOL, I'd love an actual explanation as well. All I know is, the lower the better. I use it, but I don't understand it. ::::: Opera :::::