July 2012 Vendor of the Month - Mihrelle

Jul 01, 2012 at 12:00 am by Store Staff

Congratulations to Mihrelle for being Renderosity's Vendor of the Month for July!

Who is 'Mihrelle'?

My real name is Lorraine Berry. I come from the UK, married with two wonderful teenagers, two cats, and a long suffering husband. The name Mihrelle comes from playing around with spelling variations of Mithril, which, as every Tolkien fan will know, is a kind of Elven metal similar to silver.

How long have you been involved in digital art?

Probably around 5 years. I’ve always been interested in art, particularly photography (as a teenager, I used to drive my parents insane by closing off the bathroom for hours to convert it to a darkroom). I worked for a while in an office, then returned to university to study fine art and discovered I could sculpt. I spent a few years as an exhibiting artist, something I still have a keen interest in. I became more interested in new media and the internet and discovered 3D art, first Daz3D, then Poser and was hooked.  I loved the beauty of 3D art, especially the characters. I’d always loved sci-fi, superheroes and fantasy art and here was software that empowered and made this art possible for everyone - and it also contained all the elements I loved from photography (lighting and cameras) and sculpting.

What made you decide to become a Vendor?

Initially, my idea was to use 3D models in work I was doing with museums and galleries, but with the current financial crisis, opportunities for artists were becoming increasingly hard to come by. I decided I needed to find a more stable way of earning a living. Working as a vendor has given me the freedom to do work that I really love and I am very grateful to the Renderosity community for that opportunity.

What are you currently working on?

At the moment, I'm just completing another texture set. Then I have another character that I’m working on, she’s very glamorous so I’m quite excited about her.

What software is currently in your digital toolset and why?

I love Poser and Daz3D, Blacksmith 3D for both texturing and morphing, Photoshop and GIMP. I also use various tools and utilities from vendors like Handspan Studios, Colm, Dimension3D, and others.

Where do you find inspiration for your products?

Everywhere - movies, TV, magazines, game art and suggestions and feedback from the Renderosity community.

Could you list any current favourites among the products you've created and tell us a bit about their creation?

It’s very difficult to decide, as I really enjoy creating products and my favourite tends to be whatever I’m working on at the moment. But, if I have to pick one then I would probably pick Aislinn, because she was my first character and holds a special place in my heart. The creation process always follows the same pattern for me, lots of research and experimentation until you get that moment when there’s that spark of something. It’s difficult to explain, but I’m sure other character developers will know what I mean - There is a point when a character changes from a model to a personality, it’s important to be able to recognise that moment then go with it.

Do you have any advice for aspiring Digital Content Developers?

Yes - to keep at it, there will be ups and downs as there are in everything, and also to keep learning something new every day. Things are never static when developing 3D content, so you have to develop with it.

How has this online Community (Renderosity) enhanced your work, relationships, and learning?

I’ve met some wonderful people through the Renderosity community and made friends that I’m very grateful for. It’s a wonderful place to share ideas and learn new things.

Do you have any final words or advice for other digital artists?

Allow yourself to experiment and grow creatively, don’t be afraid to just play with the tools you have and it’s surprising what you will discover. I’d also like to give a big thank you to the Renderosity Team and community for all their support and for making Renderosity such a wonderful place to be a part of.


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