December 2011 Artist of the Month - mrthirdeyeching

Dec 01, 2011 at 12:10 am by Store Staff

Each month the Renderosity community votes on the Renderosity Artist Of The Month [AOM] ... December's AOM is Josh Crockett [mrthirdeyeching]!

We congratulate Josh for an outstanding collection of works in the ZBrush Gallery!

Who is 'mrthirdeyeching' and how did you come by this username?

First of all, thanks to the Renderosity staff for nominating me. I've been a member of this community for a while and it's been a great inspiration. It's a great honor!

My name is Josh Crockett. I'm a freelance artist trying to break into the film industry as a creature designer. The username was carried over from my early days of the internet, back in 1998 - 2000. The name is a combination of some concepts that fascinated me, namely, "third eye" and the Chinese divination tool called the "I ching."

How long have you been working in digital art?

My early days of digital art began on my Apple Lisa computer. It was pretty remedial back in those days. I think I was using Mac Paint and it was all done in black and white, and before the days of the internet as we know it today. I started getting serious using Bryce back in 2000. I was there when Daz Studio came out and was pretty excited because I could finally add people into the environments I was creating.

Grey Alien Concept Art

Do you have any traditional art experience?

I began drawing when I was 5 yrs old. I remember being fascinated that I could create something with my hands. I used to copy Garfield out of the comic strips as an 8 yr old kid and the kids at school would pay me
25 cents to draw Odie the dog. I used to dream of becoming a Disney animator or cartoonist. I've been drawing almost my whole life. I took art class all four years of high school. I never did take any college art classes, which I kind of regret, but I've never stopped making art. It's what I've been doing the longest and what I'm best at.

What are you currently working on?

I've got a few things in the works. I'm always sketching in ZBrush. I try to do something whenever I have any free time. Right now, I'm gathering reference for a "Cthulhu" piece.


What else is in your toolset?

I always have some reference on hand. Anatomy reference and other artist works that inspire me. Of course, my computer and wacom tablet, and sometimes a pencil.

What do you think your best piece of work is and why?

That's a tough choice. I like them all for different reasons. I'm always my own worst critic, so I'm constantly going back and looking at my own work and seeing where I think I can improve. Right now, my favorites are "Ali-Longhi" and "Demon Concept 3." Those were pieces that I felt I added my own style to and I like looking at them visually. Those are the pieces that I would want printed and framed in my own studio.

Demon Concept 3

Who, or what, inspires you?

As a kid, like I said, it was Garfield comic strips and Disney. In my adolescent years, it was artists like Pushead and different skateboard artists. Those things still inspire me. H.R. Giger was, and is, a huge inspiration ever since I laid eyes on his work. Nowadays, it's traditional Hollywood sculptors, like Jordu Schell and Aris Kolokontes.

There are so many great sculptors working in the industry. Paul Komoda, Casey Love... the list goes on forever. I'm really inspired by the guys who are using digital sculpture as well, like Scott Spencer, Scott Patton, Jerad Marantz, Neville Page, Michael Broom and Louie Becker, to name a few. Music has always been an inspiration to me as well. Mainly death metal and classical styles of music. I love Franz Liszt and Suffocation.

Looking through your gallery, you also have incredible works using Bryce and DAZ|Studio. What brought you to ZBrush, and what do you enjoy most about it?

Thanks. I love DAZ products. I still use them for my illustration work. My friend Grant Cross led me to digital sculpture. He was posting some stuff online using Sculptris, which is a free digital sculpting program.
I started experimenting with it and found that it just allowed for so much creativity. I was always kind of frustrated with content-based art. I love that way it looks, and those that are really good with it can add their personal style to it.

It just felt like something was missing. I wanted to make my own models. I tried poly modeling in Max and just found it to be too technical. Again, people that can use it make some really cool stuff, but for me it was just too cumbersome. I love DAZ products because they're easy to use. As soon as I got used to the ZBrush interface, I found that it was just as easy to use and that's what I like about it. It's like drawing and modeling all in one.

Voyage of the Gwyndemere Shannara

Do you have any tips you would be willing to share on the software?

Early on, when I first started using Bryce, a mentor of mine by the name of Dana Augustine who used to do weekly illustrations for gave me some important tips which are worth repeating here. Use it, and use it every day. Especially in the beginning. The more you use it, the better you get at it. Nowadays, there are countless tutorials and DVDs to really learn your craft. I try to learn from the guys that have been doing it longer than I have and, believe me, there are a lot of them and they are REALLY good at it.

How has this online community (Renderosity) enhanced your work, relationships, and learning?

Renderosity has always been a huge source of inspiration for me. It is a great place to study and learn from the work of other artists and get important feedback.


Do you have any parting comments, or advice for other artists?

Don't let the opinions of others get in your way. Do what you love, be yourself, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there. Perfect is the enemy of good and nothing worth doing is easy!

We invite you to have a further look at mrthirdeyeching's Renderosity Gallery!

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**Have a tutorial, animation, demo reel, or MarketPlace product to demo and share with the community? Consider posting your clips to Renderosity's Video Center!**

All supporting images are copyright, and cannot be
copied, printed, or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the artist.

Artist of the Month is highlighting a talented Renderosity artist that has been nominated by mods and admins, and voted by the community. Recognition is given to this member for their collection of works for that year.

Since we only select one AOM per month, it is not about their works for that particular month. Instead, it is about highlighting a talented artist's works for that year, and they are recognized during that month.

To learn more about Renderosity's Artist Of The Month [AOM] award, and to view our past AOM's, please visit the AOM page, which can also be found on the sidebar under Highlights.

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Tags: AOM Bryce DAZ|Studio mrthirdeyeching ZBrush
Sections: Archives