Renderosity Free Stuff Artist: Mystic-Nights

Jun 05, 2006 at 12:00 am by nickcharles

Each month we showcase a Renderosity Free Stuff Artist, in appreciation for their thoughtfulness, and countless hours spent creating free items for the Renderosity community. This month we are proud to showcase Eddie P [Mystic-Nights].

Eddie P [Mystic-Nights]

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I'm a 47 year old single male, living in Tennessee. I work in the Engineering department of a large Retail Distribution Center. I enjoy nature and parks, and am a movie buff. In my spare time, I am usually either working on further developing the 3D sections of my website, or working on modeling a 3D freebie or commercial model.

Did you begin with modeling, or did you begin with Poser?

I started with Daz Studio and Poser, fooled around with it and created a few images for my ecards section. Then I became interested in modeling. I currently have 50 free models on my site, and all of those were modeled in Wings 3D or Amapi 6.1. I also just purchased Carrara 5 and Hexagon 2.


What version of Poser do you use, and why do you like it best?

I have Poser 4 and Poser 6. I use Poser 6 mainly. I like the material and cloth rooms, which I am still learning. I use Poser 4 now just to test models.

Where do you get your ideas from? Do you ever take requests?

My ideas come from a lot of places. Something I may have seen on the internet, on TV, or in the real world. At times, I may be modeling an item, and at one point I think, "this could be made into a completely different model." So, I will save it as a project file and come back to it later. I haven't taken any direct requests, but as I have browsed the forums someone would ask where they could find a certain item. I'd check my 3D Directory and not find anything, then give a shot at modeling it. I am currently working on my 2nd commercial package now, which will have some architectural modeling in it. A little hint, it will have a Medieval theme.


What was the first model you ever made? Did it come out the way you planned?

The first model I ever made was a set of barstools, following one of Dr. Geep's tutorials. I saved it in stages, and went through it 2 or 3 times before I was satisfied with the look and the textures. In the end, it came out as planned and I was happy with it.

When things just aren't going the way you planned what keeps you going?

If things aren't going as planned, I just save the project and take a break for awhile. Kick back, watch a movie and relax, work on my website for awhile, check out the forums at various sites, or go to town and get out for awhile.


Of all the models you've made, what's your favorite? Why?

For the freestuff, the Geodome, because it was a little more complex and helped me learn more features of modeling. Of all models, my favorite would be the Medieval package I am currently working on, because of some architectural designs I have been working on.

Do you have a favorite free stuff provider? Who is it and why?

Hmm, there are several. It's hard to pick just one, so I would say Marforno, Stonemason, and Richard T. I like Richard T's industrial models because they are unique. He has some nice furniture also. I like Marforno and Stonemason for their architectural models or elements.

What is your favorite image created with your free stuff?

With just a quick look through the galleries, "The Spider Sorceress" caught my eye because I like Fantasy, Medieval, and Sci-Fi art.


How long have you been a member of the Poser Community? What do you like best about it?

I have been a member of the Poser community since late 2004. I like the fact that a lot of people are willing to help and share knowledge. Also, I enjoy creating items that will be used in artwork.

Do you have any advice for someone just starting out modeling and sharing their free stuff items?

For those just starting out in modeling, check out some of the free modeling programs, such as Wings 3D or Blender. Find one in which you are comfortable with and like the interface. Then check out tutorials available for these programs. This will help you learn the functions of the program and what they can do. When and if you decide to purchase a commercial modeling program, check out the demo versions first. Again, find one you feel comfortable with. Start off with simple props, and your skills will develop over time as you go along. You will also want to check out tutorials on UV Mapping and making your models Poser-ready. Take your time. If things aren't going right, just save it as a project file and come back to it later. Check out some tutorials and get advice in the modeling forums. When you have your model ready and textured, zip it up with the proper Poser runtime folder structure. Don't forget to include a readme text file with your terms of use and contact info.

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or reproduced in any manner without written permission from the artist.

Lynn Gottlieb [Angel1]is a Renderosity Front Page News Staff Columnist.
If you know of a Renderosity Free Stuff Artist that you would like to have us showcase, please drop Nick Sorbin a note with the artist's Renderosity username, and keep checking the Front Page News, you never know who we will be showcasing next!
June 5, 2006
Sections: Archives