Forum: Blender

Subject: AAAAAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrrgh Linux !! RV or anyone lol

heddheld opened this issue on Jan 31, 2013 ยท 36 posts

heddheld posted Thu, 31 January 2013 at 5:22 AM

ok bit the bullit an tried linux, it really dont like my twin monitors or my mouse?? only 1 screen works an mouse is a waste of space in there! can sorta get round on keyboard but no good for blender lol .Have tried mint/unbuntu as dual boot get nothing but garbage on screen(sorta blah "failed to load") the unbuntu windows install sorta works, one screen no mouse!! a "live" distro from BA !! comp reboots till I pull the cd out

any ideas or links to sites would be great!!?? brain transplant is a nono