Forum: 3DS MAX

Subject: Question about Detailed Clothing

Darchind opened this issue on Jan 13, 2013 ยท 9 posts

Darchind posted Sun, 13 January 2013 at 6:00 PM

This is intended as a question pertaining to generality, and not any method in particular.

Looking through some of this website's clothing models, I have come to notice that some of the clothing models have really fine details, such as stretchmarks and wrinkles that make them resemble real world clothing.

Is there more than one method to achieving these stretchmarks and wrinkles (e.g.: reflecting tightness or looseness) in 3DS Max? Is it all simply done through the Cloth modifier, or is it possible to hand-sculp the stretchmarks and wrinkles with the Freeform tools under Editable Poly mode?

I am curious to see what some of our master artists would do to approach it.