Forum: 3DS MAX

Subject: Smoothe edges on clothing?

Darchind opened this issue on Jan 11, 2013 · 4 posts

Darchind posted Fri, 11 January 2013 at 5:11 PM

Hi, I have recently learned to use 3DS Max 2013 and some of the modifiers, such as Garment Maker and Cloth. I have successfully sculpted the basic structure of a short dress or gown for Victoria 3, but I have run into a problem with edges.

As you will see in my example below, I am having trouble with jagged edges, and I haven't found a way to smoothen them.

If anyone can help, it would be most appreciated.

LuxXeon posted Fri, 11 January 2013 at 6:03 PM Forum Coordinator

Uh oh. Looks like you collapsed the stack.  It's going to be tough to fix this issue without access to your original topology, due to the delaunay triangulation the cloth modifier adds to your original mesh.  If I were you, I'd think about starting over, and this time, keeping everything parametric.  This way, you can always drop down in the modifier stack and change any level of the process at any time.

The other option is to start over, but use this dress as a basis for retopology using the retopology tools in the Graphite modeling ribbon.  This way, you can get back to clean quad surface tesselation, and make sure this doesn't happen when you add the cloth modifier by adding some supporting edge loops, or whatever you need to do.  You could try moving things vertex by vertex, or edge by edge, but good luck maintaining your sanity there.


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Darchind posted Fri, 11 January 2013 at 7:11 PM

Thank you for the quick reply. I think I'm going to take your suggestion and start over. I had a feeling I would have to. The way I created this, was I drew two splines over the V3 figure, then did a "Cloth" simulation after applying Garment Maker. I was actually thinking of clothifying against the V3 figure piece by piece, rather than using Garment Maker's seams. I'll see what I can come up with.

LuxXeon posted Fri, 11 January 2013 at 7:43 PM Forum Coordinator

Quote - Thank you for the quick reply. I think I'm going to take your suggestion and start over. I had a feeling I would have to. The way I created this, was I drew two splines over the V3 figure, then did a "Cloth" simulation after applying Garment Maker. I was actually thinking of clothifying against the V3 figure piece by piece, rather than using Garment Maker's seams. I'll see what I can come up with.

Well, doing it that way (a few splines and then Cloth mod), you have little or no control over the topology and edge flow, as you found out.  You should start with a quad mesh, then apply the cloth modifier, and don't collapse the stack, keep it parametric until it's time to export.  I'd use polygonal modeling techniques for this sort of thing, because it provides best control over topology, and Max has some extremely powerful tools for editing polygonal meshes that will come in very handy for drawing polygon stips and surfaces directly over an existing model.   Research the Graphite modeling tools in depth, especially the topology brushes, etc.  You can even just use the crude dress that you already have there as an underlying base mesh to conform new, clean topolgy upon.


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