Forum: Poser - OFFICIAL

Subject: Subdivision in Poser

Snarlygribbly opened this issue on Aug 23, 2012 · 195 posts

Snarlygribbly posted Thu, 23 August 2012 at 5:55 PM

** [This thread has been havily edited due to fire-fights/derailing posts in the original thread that forced it to be locked. All of the posts not connected to Snarley's script have been deleted, to preserve the value in the thread without the bad blood. Some posts were deleted because without the off-topic posts they referenced, they made no sense. Thanks to all participants in the thread for understanding. - basicwiz]**

Snarley's original post:

I've been following the thread about Genesis in Poser, and the idea of implementing subdivision in Poser got my attention.

I've been playing a bit with it today, to see what can be done.

Here one of the hands has been subdivided. It makes quite a difference.

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